December 20 | | |
November 12 | Withdrawn
15D-1:Nanofabrication I
15D-1-1 09:00
Metal chalcogenides on flexible substrates for Robust Electronics
Johnny C. Ho, City Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong |
November 6 | Weather forecast by Japan Meteorological Agency |
November 6 | How to view Keynote Video on My Page.
Please log-in My Page of the registration site.
All participants can view the keynote video from November 12 to December 12. | 
November 6 | Canceled
15A-3: Symposium A: The Path to Sustainable Lithography VII, Panel Discussion
(14:20-16:20, November 15)
November 1 | CAUTION: Beware of fraudulent individuals or companies who contact you directly through fraudulent websites or emails and claim to be able to arrange hotel accommodations for you. These fraudulent agencies may look like official organizers, but they are not. |
October 31 | Additional Program
15A-3, 14:10- November 15
Short Presentation
Dr. Atsuyoshi Koike, CEO, Rapidus Corporation
October 25 | The registration site is available from October 26 to November 1.
We will also accept onsite registration on the day (November 12-15 at onsite). |
October 14 | The registration site is not available on October 14, Please access to the registration site after October 15. |
October 2 | Additional Plenary Speaker
Dr. Hisashi Saito, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan |
September 24 | Program with additional Late News Paper Updated
September 2 | Program Updated |
August 2 | The registration site and Late News Paper submission site is open.
MNC 2024 Program will be released around on September 2
July 1 | Extended Deadline for Submission of Abstract (from July 1 to July 10) |
June 10 | The abstract submission site is now open |
March 29 | Announcement (A4 size) |  |
June 10 | Open of Abstract Submission Site | |
July 1 July 10
| Abstract Deadline (Closed) |
August 2 | Open of Registration Site
 | | |
September 2 | Late News Paper Deadline (Closed) |
October 20 | Deadline of Early Bird Registration |
November 12-15 | Conference |
November 30 | Deadline of JJAP Special Issue |
1-1: Advanced Lithography and Patterning
1-2: Electron and Ion Beam Technologies
1-3: Patterning Materials
2-1: Nanocarbons & 2D Materials
2-2: Nanodevices
2-3: Nanofabrication
2-4: Inorganic Nanomaterials | 2-5: Organic Nanomaterials
2-6: Nano Surfaces, Interfaces, and Advanced Nano Metrology
3: Nanoimprint, Hybrid-NIL, Biomimetics, and Functional Surfaces
4: BioMEMS, Lab on a Chip, and Nanobiotechnology
5: Microsystem Technology and MEMS
6: Atomic Layer Processing (ALP) | |
Dr. Yoshihisa Kagawa, Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation, Japan |  |
Dr. Jan van Schoot, ASML, The Netherlands |
Dr. Hisashi Saito, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan |
Dr. Martin van den Brink, Former President, and CTO, ASML, The Netherlands |  |
Symp. A | SYMPOSIUMThe Path to Sustainable Lithography |  |
Symp. B | SYMPOSIUMProcess and Device Technologies for Quantum Computing II |  |
Symp. C | SYMPOSIUMInnovative Technology to Regulate Living Body |  |