MNC 2019, Oct. 28-31, 2019
32nd International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference
International Conference Center Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan

Section Session Title Session No. Session Time and Date Author's Interview Paper Title Author and Affiliation
Plenary 29P-1: Plenary Session 29P-1-2 10:50-11:30, October 29, 2019 Computing Reimagined - AI/quantum/IoT (Plenary) S. Yamamichi, IBM, Japan
Plenary 29P-1: Plenary Session 29P-1-3 11:30-12:10, October 29, 2019 Building the Next Ubiquitous Computing Device with Room Temperature Quantum Materials (Plenary) S. Manipatruni, Kepler Computing, USA
Plenary 29P-1: Plenary Session 29P-1-1 09:50-10:30, October 29, 2019 Future Fab and the Skills of Tomorrow(Plenary) R. Hassan, Micron Memory, Japan
Symp. A 29A-2: Symp. A: Nano-Materials, Processes, and Devices for Next-Generation Edge AI I 29A-2-3 14:30-15:00, October 29, 2019 Quantum Computation Using Nonlinear Parametric Oscillators (Invited) H. Goto, Toshiba, Japan
Symp. A 29A-2: Symp. A: Nano-Materials, Processes, and Devices for Next-Generation Edge AI I 29A-2-2 14:00-14:30, October 29, 2019 Charge Carrier Generation and Dynamics: towards Applications in Various Chemical Sensing and in-Materio Computation Scenarios (Invited) K. Szachilowski, AGH Univ. of Sci. and Technol., Poland
Symp. A 29A-3: Symp. A: Nano-Materials, Processes, and Devices for Next-Generation Edge AI II 29A-3-3 16:15-16:45, October 29, 2019 Neuromorphic Pulse Generation Devices Using Nanomaterials (Invited) H. Tanaka, Kyushu Inst. of Technol., Japan
Symp. A 29A-3: Symp. A: Nano-Materials, Processes, and Devices for Next-Generation Edge AI II 29A-3-2 15:45-16:15, October 29, 2019 Control of Analog Change in Resistance and Its Characteristics Using Atomic Switches (Invited) T. Hasegawa, Waseda Univ., Japan
Symp. A 29A-3: Symp. A: Nano-Materials, Processes, and Devices for Next-Generation Edge AI II 29A-3-1 15:15-15:45, October 29, 2019 Analog Memory-Based Techniques for Accelerating Deep Neural Networks (Invited) H.Y. Tsai, IBM Almaden Res. Ctr., USA
Symp. A 29A-2: Symp. A: Nano-Materials, Processes, and Devices for Next-Generation Edge AI I 29A-2-1 13:30-14:00, October 29, 2019 Make AI: Hardware-Driven Open Innovation Platform for Edge-AI (Invited) T. Asai, Hokkaido Univ., Japan
Symp. B 29P-2: Symp. B: Atomic Layer Processing (ALP) Symposium I 29P-2-2 14:20-14:50, October 29, 2019 Author's Interview: 17:25-17:35 Maximizing ALD SiO/SiN Throughput Using Chemistry and Equipment Approaches (Invited) C. Dussarrat, Air Liquide, Japan
Symp. B 29P-2: Symp. B: Atomic Layer Processing (ALP) Symposium I 29P-2-1 13:50-14:20, October 29, 2019 Author's Interview: 17:25-17:35 ZnO composite nanolayer with mobility edge quantization for multi-value logic transistors (Invited) M.M. Sung, Hanyang Univ., Korea
Symp. B 29P-3: Symp. B: Atomic Layer Processing (ALP) Symposium II 29P-3-1 15:45-16:15, October 29, 2019 Author's Interview: 17:25-17:35 Electron-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition (Invited) A. Cavanagh, Univ. of Colorado, USA
Symp. B 29P-3: Symp. B: Atomic Layer Processing (ALP) Symposium II 29P-3-2 16:15-16:45, October 29, 2019 Author's Interview: 17:25-17:35 New physico-chemical approaches in Area-selective Atomic Layer Deposition and Atomic Layer Etching (Invited) F. Roozeboom, TNO-Holst Centre & Eindhoven Univ. of Technol. , The Netherlands
Symp. C 30B-4: Symp. C. 2D Materials I 30B-4-1 09:00-09:30, October 30, 2019 Author's Interview: 11:45 11:55 Synthesis and Applications of 2D layered Semiconductors and Heterostructures beyond MoS2 (Invited) W.-H. Chang, Natl. Chiao Tung Univ., Taiwan
Symp. C 30B-4: Symp. C. 2D Materials I 30B-4-2 09:30-10:00, October 30, 2019 Author's Interview: 11:45 11:55 Quantum transport and robotic assembly of van der Waals junctions of graphene and 2D materials(Invited) T. Machida, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
Symp. C 30B-4: Symp. C. 2D Materials I 30B-4-3  10:00-10:30, October 30, 2019  Author's Interview: 11:45 11:55 Incorporating magnetism into 2D materials for innovative functions (Invited) A. Kimura, Hiroshima Univ., Japan
Symp. D 29C-2: Symp. D: Innovative Technologies for Direct Observation of Cellular Vital Phenomena I 29C-2-1 13:40-14:15, October 29, 2019 Microsystems for Single Molecule Analysis of Membrane Proteins (Invited) R. Watanabe, RIKEN, Japan
Symp. D 29C-3: Symp. D: Innovative Technologies for Direct Observation of Cellular Vital Phenomena II 29C-3-2 16:00-16:35, October 29, 2019 Author's Interview: 16:55-17:05 Polymeric Engineering of Nanoparticles for Efficient Multifunctional Drug Delivery Systems (Invited) H. Uji-i, KU Leuven, Belgium
Symp. D 29C-3: Symp. D: Innovative Technologies for Direct Observation of Cellular Vital Phenomena II 29C-3-1 15:25-16:00, October 29, 2019 Author's Interview: 16:55-17:05 Application of Cup-Shaped Metal Hemispheres for Single Cell Measurements (Invited) H. Kim, AIST, Japan
Symp. D 29C-2: Symp. D: Innovative Technologies for Direct Observation of Cellular Vital Phenomena I 29C-2-2 14:15-14:50, October 29, 2019 Author's Interview: 16:55-17:05 Droplet Microfluidics for Liquid Biopsy in Clinical Diagnostics (Invited) A. Tagawa, Sysmex, Japan
11 31B-10: Photolithography and Patterning 31B-10-1 15:15-15:45, October 31, 2019 Author's Interview: 17:05-17:15 Statistical Patterning – The Trillion Feature Challenge (Invited) M.J. Maslow, ASML, The Netherlands
12 30A-7: Electron and Ion Beam Technologies 30A-7-1 16:00-16:30, October 30, 2019 Author's Interview: 17:40-17:50 Non-Charging Exposure Conditions of Insulating Resist in Electron Beam Lithography (Invited) M. Kotera, Osaka Inst. of Technol., Japan
12 30A-7: Electron and Ion Beam Technologies 30A-7-2 16:30-17:00, October 30, 2019 Author's Interview: 17:40-17:50 Multi-beam mask writer MBM-1000 (Invited) H. Matsumoto, NuFlare Technol., Japan
13 31B-9: Resist and Directed Self-Assembly 31B-9-1 13:00-13:30, October 31, 2019 Author's Interview: 14:40-14:50 Theoretical study on trade-off relationships between resolution, line edge roughness, and sensitivity in resist processes for semiconductor manufacturing by extreme ultraviolet lithography(Invited) T. Kozawa, Osaka Univ., Japan
13 31B-9: Resist and Directed Self-Assembly 31B-9-2 13:30-14:00, October 31, 2019 Author's Interview: 14:40-14:50 Directed Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers on Chemically Modified Graphene (Invited) S.O. Kim, KAIST, Korea
21 30A-6: Nanocarbons - Property 30A-6-1 13:40-14:10, October 30, 2019 Author's Interview: 15:30-15:40 Charge Carrier Doping and Photoinduced Charge Transfer in Lead Halide Perovskite Thin Films and Devices (Invited) J. Blackburn, Natl. Renewable, USA
21 31A-8: Nanocarbons - Devices 31A-8-1 09:30-10:00, October 31, 2019 Author's Interview: 11:20-11:30 Memory Effect in Atomic Monolayers and Applications from Neuromorphic Computing to RF Switches (Invited) D. Akinwande, Univ. of Texas, USA

22 30C-6: Nanodevices - Devices Based on Low Dimensional Structure 30C-6-1 13:40-14:10, October 30, 2019 Author's Interview: 15:10-15:20 Next-Generation Applications of Semiconductor Lasers (Invited) T. Kageyama, QD Laser, Japan
23 30D-6: Nanofabrication II 30D-6-1 14:00-14:30, October 30, 2019 Author's Interview: 15:30-15:40 Direct Formation of Highly Oriented ZnO Nanocolumnars: Improvement in Electronic Properties of Structure-Controlled ZnO Grown by DCunbalanced
Magnetron Sputtering (Invited)
Y. Darma, Inst. Technol. Bandung, Indonesia
23 30D-5: Nanofabrication I 30D-5-1 10:55-11:25, October 30, 2019 Author's Interview: 12:25 12:35 Artificial Two-Dimensional Polar Metal by Charge Transfer to a Ferroelectric Insulator (Invited) Ariando, Natl. Univ. of Singapore, Singapore
24 29B-2: Inorganic Nanomaterials - Nanointerface 29B-2-1 13:40-14:10, October 29, 2019 Author's Interview: 16:55-17:05 Hot Carrier Optoelectronics Based on van der Waals Semiconductors (Invited) G. Eda, Natl. Univ. of Singapore, Singapore
24 29B-3: Inorganc Nanomaterials - Interface Engineering 29B-3-1 15:25-15:55, October 29, 2019 Author's Interview: 16:55-17:05 DFT study on carrier transport property at interface (Invited) T. Ono, Kobe Univ., Japan
25 29D-2: Organic Nanomaterials I 29D-2-1 13:30-14:00, October 29, 2019 Author's Interview: 17:05-17:15 Electrolyte Gated-Organic Field Effect Transistors with Engineered Lipid Monolayers for Sensor Applications (Invited) A. Charrier, Aix Marseille Univ., France
25 29D-2: Organic Nanomaterials I 29D-2-2 14:00-14:30, October 29, 2019 Author's Interview: 17:05-17:15 Laser-Based Fabrication of Organic Crystals (Invited) T. Sugiyama, Natl., Chiao Tung Univ., Taiwan
26 30C-4: NanoTool I 30C-4-1 09:00-09:30, October 30, 2019 Author's Interview: 12:05-12:15 Structural and Functional Visualization of Biomolecules by Frequency-Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy (Invited) H. Yamada, Kyoto Univ., Japan
3 30A-4: Nanoimprint, Hybrid-NIL, Biomimetics, and Functional Surfaces I 30A-4-1 09:00-09:30, October 30, 2019 Author's Interview: 12:15-12:25 More than Just 2D: Nanoimprinting and Complex Geometries (Invited) M. Muhlberger, PROFACTOR, Germany
3 30A-5: Nanoimprint, Hybrid-NIL, Biomimetics, and Functional Surfaces II 30A-5-1 10:45-11:15, October 30, 2019 Author's Interview: 12:15-12:25 Stimuli-Driven Delivery and Release of Materials Using Particle-Armored Droplets (Invited) S. Fujii, Osaka Inst. of Technol., Japan
4 30C-7: BioMEMS - Diagnosis and Theraphy 30C-7-1 16:00-16:30, October 30, 2019 Author's Interview: 17:50-18:00 Antibody-Conjugated Signaling Nanocavities for Rapid Detection of Cancer-Related Intact Exosomes Prepared by Novel Chemical Nanoprocessing (Invited) T. Takeuchi, Kobe Univ., Japan
4 31C-9: Bio Nano MEMS 31C-9-1 13:00-13:30, October 31, 2019 Author's Interview: 14:30-14:40 Construction and Functional Emergence of Bioactuated MicroNanoSystem and Living Machined Wet Robotics (Invited) K. Morishima, Osaka Univ., Japan
5 30D-4: Microsystem Technology and MEMS I 30D-4-1 09:00-09:30, October 30, 2019 Author's Interview: 10:30-10:40 Flexible electronic devices using rigid materials (Invited) E. Iwase, Waseda, Univ., Japan

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