MNC 2019, Oct. 28-31, 2019
32nd International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference
International Conference Center Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan

MNC 2018 Outstanding Paper
Photocontrollable Ambipolar Transistors with π-conjugated Diarylethenephotochromic Channels
Y. Kurokawa 1,2, R. Hayakawa 1, S. Shimada 3, K. Tanaka 3, K. Higashiguchi 3, Y. Noguchi 2,
K. Matsuda 3 and Y. Wakayama 1, 1 NIMS, Meiji Univ. and Kyoto Univ., Japan

MNC 2018 Most Impressive Presentation
Synthesis of Sulfur- and Phosphorous-Doped Graphene
H. Omachi 1, Z. Syrgiannis 2, T. Inoue 1, S. Hatao 3, H. Shinohara 1, H. Yoshikawa 3, M. Prato 2
1 Nagoya Univ., Japan, 2 Univ. di Trieste, Italy and 3 Kwansei Gakuin Univ., Japan

MNC 2018 Young Author's Award
Room-Temperature Printing Techniques for Fabricating Organic Electronics
X. Liu 1, 2, M. Kanehara 2 and T. Minari 2
1 Zhengzhou Univ., China and 2 NIMS, Japan

MNC 2018 Most Impressive Poster
Advanced Capacitive Tactile Sensor for Up-to-Sixfold Sensitivity Enhancement by Reduced Structural Rigidity
Y.-H. Gao, Y.-H. Jen and C.-Y. Lo
Natl. Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

MNC 2018 Most Impressive Poster
The Nanoporous and Flat Substrate Effect for Graphene Humidity Sensors
Y.-T. Huang 1, Y.-Y. Chen 1, C.-C. Huang 2, C.-Y. Su 2 and Y.-C. Tsai 1
1 Natl. Chung Hsing Univ. and 2 Natl. Central Univ., Taiwan

MNC 2018 Most Impressive Poster
Pattern Printing Represented by Structural Colors
M. Yoshimura, Y. Oda and M. Kawashita, Toppan Printing, Japan

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