MNC 2018, November 13-16, 2018
31st International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference
Sapporo Park Hotel, Sapporo, Japan

JJAP INSTRUCTION (We will update following information after August 10)

Submission of manuscript to the JJAP

The authors are encouraged
to submit a manuscript of your paper to the Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP) by November 30, 2018.

Strict adherence to this deadline would be helpful for publication on schedule. Manuscripts will be reviewed using standard JJAP procedures and published in the special issue of JJAP as the
proceeding of MNC 2017. The JJAP Editorial Board requests authors to note that the manuscript should not be identical with the text of the abstract submitted nor any papers published elsewhere. The content of the manuscript should be original by including additional data and/or further discussion. The best paper award will be selected from papers in the proceedings.
When you send your manuscript to JJAP, please be sure the program number of your paper on the JJAP application form. For more information on the preparation of a manuscript, see the JJAP website.
General Information
Submission Guideline

Authors who wish to submit a manuscript to the JJAP Special Issue of MNC 2018 are requested to send the application form including agreements with your signature for copyright transfer and for payment of publication charge of your article

Application form is available [here (pdf)].

=== In the case of Web submission===

It is possible to submit your manuscript for MNC special issue of JJAP via following web site from September ( ) to November 30, 2018. Please prepare the electronic form of the manuscript as one PDF file with text, figures and tables.
The authors are strongly recommended to use the template for manuscript preparing in order to make review and publication processes smooth.
Regular Paper:
Brief Note:

Submission site (Now availabele)


<<Publication Charge>>
Article Charge: 20,000JPY/article
English editing:All the accepted manuscripts will have the English editing service by IOP Publishing before publications. The English editing is free of charge.

Secretariat for 31st International Microprocesses and
Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2018)
c/o Secretaryart Corporation
TEL:+81-3-3420-1800 FAX:+81-3-3420-1840
E-mail: MNC 2018 web:



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