Area |
Title |
Name |
Affiliation |
Plenary |
AI Based Self-Driving Vehicles and Its Relation with Nano Electronics |
Tsuguo Nobe |
Intel and Nagoya University, Japan |
EUV Lithography at Threshold of High-Volume Manufacturing and Beyond |
Anthony Yen |
Materials innovation and integration for new computing paradigms |
Kirsten Moselund |
IBM Research Zurich, Switzealnd |
Symp. A: Nano-Metrology for Exploring the Limit |
Application of Dynamic Light Scattering; |
Redouane Borsali |
University of Grenoble Alpes, France |
CD SEM Metrology for the 5nm Technology Node and Beyond
Gian Lorusso |
imec, Belgium |
X-ray based dimensional metrology for the semiconductor industry |
Joe Kline |
Advanced CD-SEM metrology for Novel patterning technologies |
Takeshi Kato |
Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation, Japan |
X-ray nanoscopic phase imaging with grating interferometry |
Atsushi Momose |
Tohoku University, Japan |
Development of EUV Phase Imaging Microscope for Mask-3D-Effect and Defect
Evaluation |
Tetsuo Harada |
University of Hyogo, Japan |
Symp. B: Recent Progress of Atomic Layer Processing (ALP) Technology |
Single Reaction Control in Atomic Layer Etching for LSI Device Fabricatrion |
Masaru Kurihara |
Hitachi, Japan |
Consecutive Area-Selective Deposition Using Self-Assembled
Monolayer |
Jiyoung Kim |
University of Texas at Dallas, USA |
Study of High-k Gate Insulator for GaN Power Device by Atomic Layer Deposition
(Invited) |
Toshihide Nabatame |
NIMS, Japan |
Ultra-Thin Ferroelectric HfZrO2 by Atomic-Layer Deposition (ALD) for Steep
Slope Transistors Application |
Min-Hung Lee |
National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan |
Symp. C: Thermal and Electronic Properties of Nanoscale Interfaces(Tentative
Title) |
Thermal and Thermoelectric Transport in Metal-Coordinated Polymers:Towards
Flexible Devices
Shannon Yee |
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA |
Study of the thermal properties of nanoscale interface with high temporal
resolution |
Weigang Ma |
Tsinghua University, China |
Measurements of charge, heat and spin transport in organic
Deepak Venkateshvaran |
Univ. of Cambridge, UK |
Symp. D: BioMEMS, Lab on a Chip, and Nanotechnology (Tentative Title) |
Three dimensional UV lithography technologies for microphysiological systems |
Yoshikazu Hirai |
Kyoto University, Japan |
Stimulation of Cells by Cold Atmospheric Plasma for Wound Treatment (Invited) |
Tetsuji Shimizu |
AIST, Japan |
Next Breakthroughs in Pluripotent Stem Cell Applications |
Kiichiro Tomoda |
Osaka Medical College, Japan |
Toward a data-driven strategy for designs of biomaterials |
Tomohiro Hayashi |
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan |
1-1: Photolithography and Patterning |
EUV material challenges and solutions |
Geert Vandenberghe |
imec, Belgium |
How to Measure Accurately True LER Occurring in EUV Lithography
Hiroki Kawada |
Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation, Japan |
1-2: Electron and Ion Beam |
Sources of Resist Surface Charging in Electron Beam Lithography |
Noriaki Nakayamada |
NuFlare Technology, Japan |
1-3: Resist and Directed Self-Assembly |
Defect reduction strategies for directed self-assembly process |
Hyo Seon Suh |
imec, Belgium |
2-1: Nanocarbons |
Bottom-Up Chemical Synthesis of Atomically Precise Graphene Nanoribbons and
Their Potentials |
Akimitsu Narita |
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany |
Hybrid Nano Carbon Materials for Energy Electrodes |
Seong Chan Jun |
Yonsei Univ., Korea
2-2: Nanodevices |
Control of Heat and Charge Transport in Carbon-Nanotube- Based Thermoelectric
Materials Using Bionanoparticles |
Masakazu Nakamura |
Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japan |
2-3: Nanofabrication |
Etched Ge Surface Treatment for Ge NW/fin FETs |
Yao-Jen Lee |
National Nano Device Labs. (NDL), Taiwan |
2-4: Inorganic Nanomaterials |
Room Temperature coating of Ceramic film by Aerosol Deposition |
Jun Akedo |
AIST, Japan |
Heterojunction based on atomically thin semiconductor and its application |
Kazuhito Tsukagoshi |
NIMS, Japan |
Solution-processed 2D molecular crystals for transistor applications |
Yun Li |
Nanjing University, China |
2-5: Organic Nanomaterials |
Polymeric Solid-State Ionic Gate
Dielectrics for Low-Voltage Field-Effect Transistors |
Yong-Young Noh |
Dongguk University, Korea |
Coordination Polymers Boost Nano- and Micro-Fabrication |
Kenji Hirai |
Hokkaido University, Japan |
2-6: Nano-Tool |
Application of helium ion microscopy (HIM) to nano- electronics and bio-science
Shinichi Ogawa |
AIST, Japan |
3: Nanoimprint, Hybrid-NIL, Biomimetics, and Functional Surfaces |
Nanoimprint Lithography of Oxides via Better Chemistry |
M.S.M. Saifullah |
A*STAR, Singapore |
Biomimetics: Emulation of Biological “Bricolage" for Sustainable Paradigm
Shift toward Survival in Anthropocene (Invited) |
Masatsugu Shimomura |
Chitose Institute of Science and Technology, Japan |
4: BioMEMS, Lab on a Chip, and Nanobiotechnology |
Optically Driven Nano-Robots and Chemical IC Chips for Micro-RNA Detection
and Tissue Enginneing Based on 3D Micro/Nano Fabrication |
Koji Ikuta |
University of Tokyo, Japan |
Development of microwave scattering field tomography for
next-generation breast cancer screening |
Kenjiro Kimura |
Kobe University, Japan |
5: Microsystem Technology and MEMS |
Highly sensitive spintronic strain-gauge sensor and Spin-MEMS microphone |
Yoshihiko Fuji |
Toshiba Corporation, Japan |
Surface activated bonding of LiNbO3 and Si for optical microsystem |
Ryo Takigawa |
Kyushu University, Japan |