MNC 2011, 24th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology
October 24-27,
2011, ANA Hotel Kyoto, Kyoto,


MNC 2010 Outstanding Paper
Novel Nanowire-Based Flip-Flop Circuit Utilizing Gate-Controlled GaAs
Three-Branch Nanowire Junctions
H. Shibata, Y. Shiratori and S. Kasai, Hokkaido Univ. and JST-PREST, Japan
Highly Sensitive Electrical Detection of Sodium Ions Based on Graphene Field-Effect Transistors
Y. Sofue, Y. Ohno, K. Maehashi, K. Inoue and K. Matsumoto, Osaka Univ.,
MNC 2010 Most Impressive Presentation
A New Investigation of Automatic Genechip Analyzer Device with Weighted
Enzymatic Chip Array for Gene Analysis Applications
S.K. Hsiung 1, C.H. Lee 2, T.L. Cheng 3, S.W. Lu 1, C.H. Wu 1, M.S. Chang 1, Y.F. Chen 4,
D.A. Tsao 1, H.H. Chiu 1, H.J. Chang 1 and S.R. Lin 1
1 Fooyin Univ., 2 National SunYat-Sen Univ., 3 Kaohsiung Medical Univ.
4 Gene Target Technol., Taiwan
MNC 2010 Young Author's Award
Inkjet Printing for Fabrication of Lab-on-Paper on Cellulose Membrane
A. Apilux 1,2, Y. Ukita 1, M. Chikae 1, K. Kawai 1, O. Chailapakul 2 and Y. Takamura
1 JAIST, Japan and 2 Chulalongkorn Univ., Thailand
MNC 2010 Most Impessive Poster
Enhancement of Small Signal based on Electrolyte-gated Carbon Nanotube
Transistors in Subthreshold Regime
Y. Hakamata, Y. Ohno, K. Maehashi, K. Inoue and K. Matsumoto, Osaka Univ., Japan
MNC 2010 Most Impessive Poster
Sustained Mechanical Self-oscillation of Cantilevered Carbon Nanotube by Phase Locked
Loop with Opt-mechanical Heterodyne
A. Yoshinaka 1, T. Arie 1,2 and S. Akita 1,2, 1 Osaka Pref. Univ. and 2 CREST-JST, Japan
MNC 2011 Prof. Namba Award
Dr. Masanori Komuro (NEDO)