Comparison of mechanical characteristics of focused ion beam fabricated
silicon nanowires
G. Ina 1, T. Fujii 2, T. Kozeki 1, E. Miura 1, S. Inoue 1 and T. Namazu 2,
1 Univ. of Hyogo, 2 Akita Pref. Univ. and 3 Aichi Inst. of Technol., Japan
Mechanical Properties Characterization and Fabrication Damage Investigation
of Silicon Nanowires Based on Four-Different Sample Preparation Techniques
G. Ina 1, T. Fujii 2, T. Kozeki 1, S. Inoue 1 and T. Namazu 3, 1 Univ.
of Hyogo, 2 Akita Pref. Univ. and 3 Aichi Inst. of Technol., Japan
Thermoplasmonic Marangoni Flow Around a Microbubble in Degassed Water
K. Namura, K. Nakajima and M. Suzuki, Kyoto Univ., Japan
Dependence of Dissolution Kinetics of ZEP 520A on Change of Molecular
Weight Induced by Electron Beam Irradiation
A. Konda 1, H. Yamamoto 1, T. Kozawa 1 and S. Yoshitake 2, 1 Osaka Univ.,
and 2 NuFlare Technol., Japan
Molecular Dynamics study on Dipole Layer Formation at High-k/SiO2
Interface: -Possibility of Oxygen Ion Migration Induced by the Imbalance of
Multipole Potentials-
R. Kunugi, N. Nakagawa and T. Watanabe, Waseda Univ., Japan