9P-1: Plenary Session 9P-1-1 9:50-10:30, Nov. 9, 2016 2D Crystals for Smart Life (Plenary) K. Banerjee, UCSB, USA
9P-1-2 10:50-11:30, Nov. 9, 2016 New Device Application of Organic Semiconductors (Plenary) S.Y. Lee, Samsung Electronics, Korea
9P-1-3 11:30-12:10, Nov. 9, 2016 Design Technology CoOptimization, the Key to Unlocking New Scaling Pathways (Plenary) L. Liebmann, GLOBALFOUNDRIES, USA
11A-9: Advanced Photolithography 11A-9-1 11:15-11:45, Nov. 11, 2016 Readiness of EUV Lithography and Its Impacts on Design and Patterning of Backend Layers for 5nm Node and Beyond (Invited) T.-B. Chiou 1, A. Chen 2 and M. Dusa 2, 1 ASML Taiwan, Taiwan and 2 ASML US, USA
9B-3: Electron and Ion Beam Technologies 9B-3-1 15:35-16:05, Nov. 9, 2016 An Application of 2-Dimensional Emitter Source for Multiple Electron Beam System (Invited) H.S. Kim, Y.B. Lee, S.W. Choi, H.W. Kim, D.-W. Kim, S.J. Ahn, T.S. Oh and Y.-H. Song, Sun Moon Univ., Korea
11A-10: Resist and Directed Self-Assembly 11A-10-1 14:00-14:30, Nov. 11, 2016 Directed Self-assembly of High-χ Block Copolymers (Invited) A. Vora, N. Arellano, K. Schmidt, D.P. Sanders and R.D. Allen, IBM Research Almaden, USA
10B-5: Nanocarbon Application 10B-5-1 10:35-11:05, Nov. 10, 2016 Dry Manufacturing of Carbon Nanotube Thin Films for Flexible Electronics Applications (Invited) E.I. Kauppinen, Aalto Univ. School of Science, Finland
10B-5-5 12:05-12:35, Nov. 10, 2016 Modeling and Technology Platform for Analog High Frequency Carbon Nanotube Transistors (Invited) S. Hermann1,2,3, M. Claus 3, S.E. Schulz1,2,3, M. Schröter 3,4, 1 TU Chemnitz, 2 ENAS, 3 TU Dresden, Germany and 4 UC San Diego, USA
11C-8: Nano Resistive and Atomic Switching Devices 11C-8-1 09:00-09:30, Nov. 11, 2016 Conductance Quantization in Binary-Oxide-Based ReRAM Cells (Invited) Y. Nishi, H. Sasakura, Y. Kuriyama and T. Kimoto, Kyoto Univ., Japan
10C-4: Nanofabrication I 10C-4-1 09:00-09:30, Nov. 10, 2016 Formation and Characterization of Elemental 2D Materials Beyond Graphene (Invited) Y. Yamada-Takamura, JAIST, Japan
10C-5: Nanofabrication II 10C-5-1 10:55-11:25, Nov. 10, 2016 Controlling Flake Size and Shape of MoS2 Monolayers Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition A. Özden, F. Ay, C. Sevik and N.K. Perkgöz, Anadolu Univ., Turkey
10C-6: Nanofabrication III 10C-6-1 14:10-14:40, Nov. 10, 2016 III-V Nanowires for Solar Cell and Energy Applications (Invited) H.H. Tan, Australian Natl. Univ., Australia
11B-8: Inorganic Nanomaterials II 11B-8-1 09:00-09:30, Nov. 11, 2016 Nature of BaTiO3 Nanocubes for Self-Assembly and Dielectric Abnormally (Invited) K. Kato, K. Mimura, Q. Ma, Z. Liu and K. Yasui, AIST, Japan
11B-9: Inorganic Nanomaterials III 11B-9-1 10:45-11:15, Nov. 11, 2016 Laser Ablation in Liquid: from Nanocrystals Synthesis to Nanostructures Fabrication (Invited) G.W. Yang, Sun Yat-Sen Univ., China
9B-2: Organic Nanomaterials 9B-2-1 13:30-14:00, Nov. 9, 2016 Protein Engineering for Interface Design on Inorganic Nanomaterials (Invited) M. Umetsu, Tohoku Univ., Japan
9C-2: NanoTool I 9C-2-1 13:30-14:00, Nov. 9, 2016 Nanoscale Imaging and Fabrication by Focused Ion Beam System Equipped with Gas Field Ion Source (Invited) T. Kozakai, Hitachi High-Tech Science, Japan
>>>O. Matsuda, Hitachi High-Tech Science, Japan
10D-6: Nanoimprint, Nanoprint and Rising Lithography 10D-6-1 13:40-14:10, Nov. 10, 2016 Enhanced Light Extraction Efficiency in Organic Light Emitting Diode Using NIL (Invited) Y.D. Kim, H.-J. Choi, Y.H. Sung and H. Lee, Korea Univ., Korea
10D-6-6 15:30-16:00, Nov. 10, 2016 Nanoimprint System Development and Status for High Volume Semiconductor Manufacturing (Invited) Y. Kondo 1, N. Nishimura 1, T. Takashima 1, T. Matsumoto 1, T. Hayashi 1, A. Kimura 1, K. Emoto 1, J. Choi 2 and P. Schumaker 2, 1 Canon, Japan and 2 Canon Nanotechnol., USA
11D-8: BioMEMS, Lab on a Chip I 11D-8-1 09:00-09:30, Nov. 11, 2016 Cell-Generated Niches for Organ-on-a-Chip Microdevices (Invited) Y. Torisawa, Kyoto Univ., Japan
11D-9: BioMEMS, Lab on a Chip II 11D-9-1 10:45-11:15, Nov. 11, 2016 Combination of Microdevices and Biological Cells to Create Novel Principle Devices (Invited) Y. Tanaka, RIKEN, Japan
10D-4: Microsystem Technology & MEMS I 10D-4-1 09:00-09:30, Nov. 10, 2016 Application on SiC Power Semiconductors to Environmentally Friendly Vehicles (Invited) T. Nishiwaki, T. Koyama and T. Ito, Toyota Motor, Japan
11A-8: Symp. A: Metrology and Inspection for Advanced Patterning 11A-8-1 09:00-09:30, Nov. 11, 2016 Metrology and Inspection for Next Generation Lithography (Invited) M. Asano, Toshiba, Japan
11A-8-2 09:30-10:00, Nov. 11, 2016 Current and Future Requirements for Metrology and Inspection for Advanced Patterning (Invited) P. Leray, A.L. Charley, P. Wong, S. Halder and P. Foubert, imec, Belgium
11A-8-3 10:00-10:30, Nov. 11, 2016 Outlook of Mask Registraton and Required Metrology Technology (Invited) K.-D. Roeth, KLA, Germany
11A-8-4 10:30-11:00, Nov. 11, 2016 Electron-Beam Metrology and Inspection: Scaling, Variability, and Productivity (Invited) Y. Momonoi and H. Fukuda, Hitachi High-Technologies, Japan
10A-6: Symp. B: Forefront of Graphene & Related 2D Materials 10A-6-1 14:10-14:40, Nov. 10, 2016 Diamane and Diamond (Invited) R.S. Ruoff UNIST, Korea
10A-6-2 14:40-15:10, Nov. 10, 2016 Controlling Charge Transport, Spin Transport and Superconductivity in a Two-Dimensional Materials by the Electric Field Effect (Invited) B. Özyilmaz, Natl. Univ. of Singapore, Singapore
10A-6-3 15:10-15:40, Nov. 10, 2016 Fundamental Properties and Applications of Two-Dimensional Materials (Invited) T. Kondo 1,2, 1 Univ. of Tsukuba and 2 Tokyo Inst. of Technol., Japan
10A-6-4 15:40-16:10, Nov. 10, 2016 Graphene for Field Emission Applications (Invited) W.I. Milne 1,3, C. Li 2, W. Lei 2, B. Wang 2, G. Duesberg 4, T. Hallam 4 and M.T. Cole 1, 1 Univ. of Cambridge, UK, 2 SEU, China, 3 Tokyo Inst. of Technol., Japan and 4 Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
10A-4: Symp. C: Nanosensors and Their Promises for IoT Society I10A-4: 10A-4-1 09:00-09:30, Nov. 10, 2016 Ultra-Low Energy Nano-Scaled Sensors for IoT Systems (Invited) K. Uchida, Keio Univ., Japan
10A-4-2 09:30-10:00, Nov. 10, 2016 Integrated Circuits for Big Data and Small Sensors (Invited) T. Kuroda, Keio Univ., Japan
10A-4-3 10:00-10:30, Nov. 10, 2016 Macro-Scale, Multi-Sensing Flexible Devices for Human Interactive Applications (Invited) K. Takei , Osaka Pref. Univ., Japan
10A-5: Symp. C: Nanosensors and Their Promises for IoT Society II10A-5: 10A-5-1 10:45-11:15, Nov. 10, 2016 On-Chip FRET Biosensor Build on Graphene-Biomolecular-Interface (Invited) Y. Ueno 1 and K. Furukawa 1,2, 1 NTT and 2 Meisei Univ., Japan
10A-5-2 11:15-11:45, Nov. 10, 2016 High-Resolution 2D/3D Printing Techniques for Wearable Electronics (Invited) J.-U. Park, UNIST, Korea
9D-2: Symp. D: Innovation from Open Facilities I 9D-2-1 13:30-14:00, Nov. 9, 2016 Overview of the Renatech Network of French Academic Clean-Rooms (Invited) M.de Labachelerie, I. Sagnes and C. Boisard, CNRS, France
9D-2-2 14:00-14:30, Nov. 9, 2016 Plasmon-Induced Photoenergy Conversion Systems Using Nano-Engineered Gold Particles (Invited) H. Misawa, 1 Hokkaido Univ., Japan and 2 Natl. Chiao Tung Univ., Taiwan
9D-3: Symp. D: Innovation from Open Facilities II 9D-3-1 15:25-15:55, Nov. 9, 2016 Vertical Comb-Drive Microscanner with 4x4 Array of Micromirrors for Phase-Shifting Mirau Micro-Interferometry (Invited) C. Gorecki, FEMTO-ST, France
9D-3-2 15:55-16:25, Nov. 9, 2016 Examples of CMOS-MEMS realizations within a France-Japan collaboration (Invited) M. Denoual 1, E. Lebrasseur 2 and Y. Mita 2, 1 Univ. of Normandie, France and 2 Univ. of Tokyo, Japan